Spread the love

I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who came to the BBQ Fundraiser at Center Road Baptist Church yesterday for my father, Charles Adams! For every cake donated, every BBQ plate purchased, all the trimmings donated, the fellowship had by all participants from servers to cookers, for every dollar donated, to everyone who help to share the flyers, and to every person who spoke encouraging words of love!

Yogi and I thank you! My dad thanks you and is humbled by the love and kindness shown to him by so many people! Also for every piece of clothing and house accessory he has been given thank you so much! We don’t realize how blessed we are to live among Christian people!!

God is Great and continues to reign on high and he has and will continue to take care of our every need if we only ask! We love you all and are blessed to have you in our lives !! Preacher Dewayne and Kim Lambeth and Center Road Baptist Church we are grateful beyond words and proud to be members of this loving church !!

Yogi and Windy-Yogi Butler.

Author: bladenonline

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