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Dr. Mark Harris

Charlotte – Dr. Mark  Harris, Republican Candidate for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District issued the following response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address:

Tonight, our President reminded us that we are one team, one people, one American family and delivered a stirring and beautiful call for a unified nation. He spoke of “the beauty of America’s soul and the steel in America’s spine” recognizing the many acts of heroism and great compassion that have occurred in America during the last year as we faced great tragedies such as hurricanes, forest fires, and mass shootings.  President Trump rightly recognized that it’s the American people, their spirit, and their hard work that are making his policies work. He is absolutely right when he says “The people dreamed this country. The people built this country. And it is the people who are making America great again.”

President Trump spoke tonight of many of the accomplishments of his administration –  2.4 millin new jobs, unemployment claims at a 45-year low, African-American and Hispanic unemployment at the lowest levels ever recorded, an $8 trillion increase in the stock market, small business confidence at an all-time high, massive regulatory reform, the routing of ISIS in Syria and much more. President Trump accomplished much of this with little help from Congress.  It’s time for that to change. It’s time for Congress to join our President as he works to “Drain the Swamp” and to be the voice of the people they represent, “the people who are making America great again.” It’s time for Congress to join President Trump and the American people in the journey to Make America Great Again and create a “New American Moment.” If that happens imagine just how much our President and, most importantly, our nation can accomplish.
For more information on Harris and his campaign please visit www.markharrisforcongress.com.

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