Dublin First Baptist Church of Dublin, NC is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor & Minister of Youth. We are a conservative, missions-minded Southern Baptist congregation in rural southeastern NC with an average attendance of 200 in our two services on Sunday mornings. We adhere to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, and we partner with the Bladen Baptist Association, the BSCNC, and the Southern Baptist Convention.
We are searching for a man of God who is called to lead our students and their families, who has a deep knowledge of and commitment to the Word of God, is gifted in communicating it to them, and has a passion for making disciples who make disciples. The position will also include some pastoral responsibilities under the guidance of the Lead Pastor. Minimum of 5 years experience in leading youth ministries and Bible college and/or Seminary graduate preferred. Please send resume to: Search Committee, PO Box 187, Dublin, NC 28332, or email to