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The Elizabethtown Town Council will meet on Monday might to discuss several matters.

The council will hear a concern from citizen Catherine Graves concerning deposit monies for landlords for water.

The council will also consider a petition for voluntary annexation and is asked to either approve or deny the request. If approved, the board will then be tasked with setting a date for a public hearing regarding the request.

Other resolutions to be considered include a resolution of support for the Connect NC Bond and to declare surplus property for the public services department and police department.

Under administrative matters, the council will hear a report on bridge repair on the sewer outfall line over Brown’s Creek; decide on an encroachment agreement with NCDOT for installation of encasement pipe at US 701 and NC 242; make appointments to the Lumber River Council of Governments and Elizabethtown Planning Board; approve tax releases; and approve the 2015 Unpaid Tax Report and authorization to advertise tax liens.

The council will also be asked to approve a change order for the downtown sewer collection system rehabilitation project and receive the monthly financial report.

Author: bladenonline

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