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Elizabethtown Middle School Girls With PEARLS continues to provide positive opportunities for girls. According to Dr. Renee Steele, organizer and seventh grade social studies teacher, this year the girls have been working in collaboration with Mrs. Laura Hall, EC teacher, to create a flower garden for students in her Exceptional Children class. Dr. Steele stated this is a year-long project and it is geared towards teaching the importance of service to others.

In addition to the in-school service project, Dr. Steele stated the girls continue to have phenomenal women speakers to share words of wisdom.  Ms. Shonteia  Keaton, Bladen County Human Resources Director, spoke to the girls about presenting the best image. Ms. Theresia Wright, Bladen County Schools, Curriculum Specialist, shared with the girls about playing the cards they have been dealt.  Ms. Wright provided an interactive session while the girls played various card games.  Afterwards, they discussed how they can overcome challenges and not make excuses.

Dr. Steele stated the girls will have several more speakers this year as well as creating their personal vision board.  A vision board will allow the girls to put their goals and aspirations in the form of pictures and words.  It will be a constant reminder of what they need to do in order to fulfill their goals in life said Steele. Prior to the Christmas break, the girls had an after-school pajama party to view the movie Hidden Figures.

Also, Steele is working with Mrs. Stacie Kinlaw, 4-H Youth Development Agent, to organize an educational field trip to expose the girls to college life. The girls will receive a college tour as well as have an opportunity to listen the life stories of top female administrators at A&T University.   She said the girls have been fundraising for this trip by selling candy and planning an after-school dance.  In addition to those efforts, Dr. Steele has mailed letters to interested persons asking for a $75 donation to sponsor the field trip as well as other expenses for the remainder of the year.  According to Steele, she is still seeking sponsorships for the girls in the organization. Dr. Steele stated, if anyone would like to invest in one of the 30 girls by donating $75 or any amount, please feel free to contact her at frsteele@bladen.k12.nc.us or 910-862-4071.

Dr. Steele stated “I want these girls to be able to see themselves, not only going to college one day, but being successful in life.”

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