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The Elizabethtown Police Department has obtained five new radar guns at no cost to the town through the Governor’s Highway Safety Program. Lt. Mark McMichael said the way the program works is the department can earn points towards certain approved items through doing such things as traffic checks and other types of activities such as Booze It and Lose It.

Lt. McMichael said that by going out and doing these things, the department receives credit towards the program. He said the program has a list of items the program has approved for traffic safety the department can utilize the points to obtain.

Lt. McMichael said a radar gun can cost as much as $2,500. In this case the department was able to use about 10,000 points they had earned to receive the radar equipment. He said the radar equipment is just one of the many tools the department has at its disposal to assist officers on the job.

“We are trying to encourage safety on the roadways and to enforce the law,” said Lt. McMichael.

The next step will be for the officers to take part in a training class and receive state certification using the new units.

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