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Holiday shopping is well underway. The members of the Elizabethtown Rotary Club started shopping early this year to help give back to the community.

Club members shop each year to enable Families First, a local non-profit, to provide gifts for children.

Families First, Inc. operates a domestic violence shelter, and they assist both men and women who are in violent, abusive relationships.

During the holiday season Families, First staff members check their list of children and collect items to help those in need to have a happy holiday season. After gifts of coats, clothes, bikes, and toys are collected, Families First staff members distribute the gifts to local families.

Rotarians in the Elizabethtown club donate money for the gifts, and then the service committee takes the time to shop for specific items needed. This year the club collected $1,000 and is providing gifts for ten children.

In the photo above, with a cart full of goodies, from left to right, are Rotarians Mary Jo Lennon, Linda Burney, Grace Ross, Michael Leinwand, Whitley Ward. This year’s little helpers in the photo are Adam Leinwand and Harper Ward.

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