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The Elizabethtown Rotary Club met on Wednesday at San Jose Restaurant for a business session.

President Charlotte Smith welcomed the members in attendance and introduced the officers for the new year and set some goals for the club for the upcoming year.

The new officers for the coming year are as follows: President-Elect Anne Breyer;  President Nominee Roy Allen; Secretary Billie Sue Hall; Program Chair Jay Leatherman; Foundation Chair Dr William Findt; Membership Chair Nick West: Fundraising Committee Chair Shane Freeman: Public Relations Committee Chair Erin Smith; Service Project Chair Eddie Madden; Treasurer Phil Byrd; and Sergeant-At-Arms Wayne Schaeffer.

Smith also announced that longtime club member and immediate past Secretary Jose Rodriguez will be leaving the club. Rodriguez said, “I wish I was staying. It has been a pleasure working with you all. I really enjoy the fellowship and things we do.”

Rodriguez continued, “I stayed (in Bladen County) for ten years because of the warm welcome I got from everybody.”

He added he will miss everyone.

Harvey Iwerks was also recognized for his service to the club.

The members also discussed various service projects they would like to take part in.

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