Spread the love

By Joy Warren

Elizabethtown Town Council met Monday evening via virtual Zoom meeting. Town Manager Eddie Madden reported that the Sales Tax report for the latest quarter shows an increase in sales tax revenue. Madden stated “We were somewhat pleasantly surprised by the revenue increase and attribute that to people shopping local during the pandemic. We hope to see this trend continue.”

Madden gave an update on current projects underway in the Town. The Cemetery project will be going out for bids in the fall. Greene’s Lake project work is ongoing. The housing grant application is complete and should receive word in the next 60 to 90 days. Local Boy Scout Jaxon Bostic will be completing his Eagle Scout Project at Leinwand Park by constructing a picnic shelter.

In administrative matters, Council approved Tax Releases ($5,290.55) and the monthly financial report. Council approved the lowest bid from Hickman Utilities in the amount of $27,180 for the Water Extension Project in the Elizabethtown Industrial Park. Council declared the commercial timber (32.96-acre tract) at the Industrial Park as surplus and authorized the Town Manager to negotiate private party sale.

Terri Dennison, who is the Chamber of Commerce Director, shared a report of the tourism impacts on Bladen County in 2019. Domestic visitors to and within Bladen County spent $45.26 million in 2019, an increase of 5.6% from 2018. The data comes from an annual study commissioned by Visit North Carolina, a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of NC.

“Tourism has a huge impact on our area,” Director Dennison said. “The visitors who enjoy the beach and water activities at White Lake, come to shop in downtown Elizabethtown, eat at our local restaurants, and participate in outdoor recreation throughout the county.”

Dennison also shared information on an upcoming Community Workday for Saturday, November 7th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Harmony Hall Plantation Village. Lunch will be provided. Groups or individuals can call the Chamber office to sign up at 862-4368.

Eddie Madden and Woody Horton updated the Council on the Bladen County Census. Only 47% to 48% of residents have completed the census information. They encouraged everyone to help get the word out to get their census completed by mailing it in or completing the information online. It is important to get this completed in the next few weeks.

For more information go to https://bladennc.govoffice3.com/index.asp?SEC=AD8E5941-D42A-4D13-BE1C-EB5D939B6E28.

Council entered a closed session to discuss real estate. Meeting was adjourned following the closed session.

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