
Fordham Britt

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Fordham Britt

Jason Cox, Chief Operating Officer of Southeastern Regional Medical Center (SRMC), served as the incident commander for SRMC and opened the command center Saturday morning when it became clear that Hurricane Matthew would hit Robeson County and Lumberton.

“People started pouring in and showing up and making things happen,” said Cox. “You have employees like Fordham Britt who have worked around the clock, taking two hour naps in a hallway, who have been with the operation continuously.”

Britt, SeHealth’s director of primary care services, lives near the medical center and was able to quickly report into the command center to begin her duties. Her work has not stopped since that time.

“The response of our employees and physicians has been overwhelming,” added Cox. “People were coming in during heavy rain and high winds not really knowing what the situation would bring or how it would affect them or their families.”

In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, Southeastern Health continues to run operations through the command center with rotating leadership to address concerns related to power, water, staffing, services, outlying clinics as well as any other issues that might arise.

“People came and stayed here for days at a time, by in large to make sure we are here to care for the community without thought or concern for themselves or their own personal loss,” said Cox. “That is what the health care community does in a crisis—we rally together to do whatever is needed regardless of the sacrifice.”

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