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The Elizabethtown Town Council welcomed two new officers to the Elizabethtown Police Department during their noon work session on Monday. Erin Battle has been hired as a Police Records Clerk, and Darrell Spaulding joined the department as a Police Officer. Mayor Sylvia Campbell presented them with town employee pins.

Planner Rod Fritz presented the Council with three possible options for repairing and/or restoring the Curtis Brown Mural in downtown Elizabethtown. The mural is painted on the side of the Kinlaw Furniture Company building facing Martin Luther King Drive.

Fritz said he had spoken with Hunt Cole regarding the mural and the options available to the town. One option, which is the least expensive is to scrape and paint the wall. Fritz said Cole told him that with the type of humidity in our area, the mural will always peel. He said the mural would last about 6 to 8 years. 

Another option Fritz presented would cost about $24,000 initially to install. This option would consist of sandblasting and cleaning the bricks and concrete joints. Once this is completed a frame can be installed and lash vinyl banner inside the frame. the frame would measure about 26 feet by 36 feet. This option would last about 12 years, according to Fritz. He also told the board that to replace the vinyl sign would cost about $900 each time.
A third option involved creating three frescoes with vignettes of various events from the town’s history including Curtis Brown. This option would cost about $33,000.

“We think this is something our community would take part in,” said Mayor Sylvia Campbell of the having the mural repaired.
The board is still studying the matter.

In other business, The Council was presented information on the close-out of the downtown sewer rehab project which has been submitted to the Division of Water Infrastructure office.  Town Manager Eddie Madden said the project is being funded through a revolving loan promissory note in the amount of $1,388,276 with forgiveness of about $397,820. The total amount is $990,456. The council will vote on the matter tonight.

*The Council is expected to approve the Basic Facts and Assurances for the NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant application that indicates the financial commitment form the town. Ms. Mary Greene sold the town the property known as Greene’s Lake at the Elizabethtown Industrial Park. The purchase price for the property can be used as the town’s financial match for the grant. The Council will vote on this matter tonight.

Also, the town has PARTF grants one currently on Lloyd Park, Leinwand Park and Tory Hole Park. Fritz told the board in the noon meeting that the information has been submitted to close out the grant application on Lloyd Park.

*The board will vote tonight on three members of the Elizabethtown Airport Commission who are up to be re-appointed. A fourth board member, Hayes Petteway, has requested not to be reappointed and his replacement will be discussed at the May meeting.

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