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By Erin Smith

The Fantastic Shakers drew a crowd for the final concert of the Sunset Jams “Alive After Five” Concert series of the summer. The concert series is sponsored by the Elizabethtown-White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and Southeastern Health.

The Fantastic Shakers entertained the crowd with such favorites as “Hold Back the Night,” “Lady Soul” and “Cupid Shuffle.” The crowd enjoyed shagging and line dancing.

Chamber Executive Director Dawn Maynard said a new item for the final Sunset Jams concert was the inclusion of a screen on the stage that broadcasts the logos of all of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze level sponsors who have helped make concerts possible.

Maynard said she is accepting sponsorships for next year’s Sunset Jams Concert Series. For more information on how you can become sponsor, call the Chamber office at 910-862-4368 or by email at tourism28337@embarqmail.com.

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