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Get out and vote was the theme of the message presented Mark Harris who arrived with the FCRAction Values Bus in Dublin on Thursday morning. The Values Bus arrived shortly before 8 a.m. at Dublin First Baptist Church.

Harris reminded those gathered of the Marriage Amendment fight in North Carolina. He said the General Assembly would not allow the amendment to come to a vote for ten years. Harris said in 2010 things changed in North Carolina and by 2011 the legislature had changed.

Harris reminded those gathered that opponents of the amendment tried to convince those in support of it that the Marriage Amendment would fail. Harris said at the time he spoke with Tammy Fitzgerald and she told him the Marriage Amendment could be defeated.

Harris pointed out that supporters of family values and Christians worked together on the issue.

Harris said the White House fought against it and even sent the Secretary of Health and Human Services to North Carolina to campaign agains the amendment.

Harris made reference to Nehemiah 2:17 and the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem’s walls. He noted that we need to look around and recognize that America is in crisis. Harris said that we are having to have conversations about whether or not men should use the men’s room and ladies should use the ladies room.

“Look around you and see the distress we are in,” said Harris.

He told those gathered to “pray and pray some more” about the election.

Harris advised those gathered to think about people they know whether or not they vote. He said if you don’t know whether or not hey vote to call them and talk to them and stay on them until Election Day.

He harkened back to the Marriage Amendment and reminded those present that the passage of the Marriage Amendment sent shock waves to Washington. Harris said after that Election Day and the Marriage Amendment had passed in North Carolina, the President came out and said he did not believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.

“We need to send shock waves on November 8,” said Harris.

He said the other side is determined to defeat Gov. Pat McCrory. “If our Governor goes down it will be blamed on House Bill 2,” said Harris.

The FCRAction and the Family Research Council also provided literature that discussed the differences in political platforms.

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