
Sadie Perry address commissioners about Schools Consolidation

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Concerned Citizen addresses Bladen County CommissionersThe first board meeting for the Bladen County Commissioners was held Tuesday evening with a full agenda. After general business of prayer, the pledge to the flag, and approving minutes, budget amendments, and invoices, the Commissioners were addressed by concerned citizens.

The first to speak was Mary A. Miller. Miller address the commissioner announcing herself as a concerned resident of Bladen County, representing the residents of Bladen County. Miller’s concerns was with the dismissal of Chris Ellis, former Bladen County Tax Assessor.

According to Miller there are concerns with evidence gathered illegally, three Board of Commissioners’ members voting against the dismissal of Ellis, and claims of sexual harassment surrounding Ellis’ dismissal.

Miller  said, “We the residents would like to have all the facts. Let’s be for real and do the right thing!”

Chairman of the board, Charles Peterson said, “Greg Martin will find out what can be released to you, and give it to you tomorrow at 2:15. No further discussions were made publicly about the concerns Miller announced at the meeting.

Next to address the commissioners was Sadie Perry in regards to the Bladen County School Board’s plan of school consolidations. Phyllis Miller and Allison Priest assisted in distributing minutes from the September 1st Ad Hoc Committee meeting and other information gathered about the consolidation plan.

Perry thanked the board for their time and told them she had read the Board of Commissioners’ response about the school consolidations provided at the commissioners’ last board meeting.

Perry explained her take away from the response she had read from the commissioners last board meeting was the Board of Commissioners did support Bladen County Schools, the commissioners have not cut funds for Bladen County Schools, and the commissioners had increased funding for the local schools.

“Many rumors have been circulating about the Bladen County Board of Education’s proposed plan to consolidate schools. I hope we can stop the rumors with my questions.” Perry said. She also explained concerns she has with the Ad Hoc Committee selection of members and the minutes from the committee meeting.

The first question to the commissioners Perry asked was if the Board of Commissioners had told the Board of Education if three schools were not consolidated no additional funds would be available.

Charles Peterson, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners responded by saying, “No. This Board of Commissioners has not made that statement.”

According to Perry, she and other concerned residents had met with Dr. Taylor, Superintendent of the Bladen County Board of Education recently. Perry recounted Dr. Taylor saying in the meeting, “A Board of Education member said a commissioner or commissioners have said they support the consolidation and will fund it.”

“Has the Board of County Commissioners formally or informally assured the Board of Education that you would provide the fund needed for consolidation?” Perry asked directly.

Peterson again responded with a no.

“Do any of the County Commissioners find it odd that none of you were asked to be on the Ad Hoc committee that recommended the consolidation proposal?” She continued, “Not a single principal, teacher, student, parent, or community member was asked to serve on it either.

Peterson responded with a smile, “We, as the Board of Commissioners, do not have a vote on that.”

Perry’s final question was, “Do any of you support the closing of two schools in the 4th largest town in the County?” The response of “no”, was heard from some of the commissioners, but some commissioners were not heard saying anything.

Peterson asked Perry to give a copy of her questions to Greg Martin, County Manager. Peterson explained to Perry the Board of Commissioners would look over her questions and give their responses to the questions to Martin for Perry to receive later this week.

Another concerned citizen asked when the commissioners would be discussing the EMS needs again. Peterson stated the EMS needs would be addressed again on the next Board of Commissioners meeting’s agenda.

After the board heard from the concerned citizens, they began with items on their agenda.

… Announced Proclamations of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and National 4-H Week.

… Approved a $5 increase in the Health Department’s Flu Vaccines.

… Approved agreement with One Call Management which will supply the Home Health Division with referrals.

… Approved a $2,500 grant for a self assessment to meet FDA standards that apply strictly to Food Programs.

… Approved adopting a resolution authorizing County inmates to work on projects to benefit Bladen County.

… Approved Prentis Benston, Mae Rose Banks and Gladwin Priest for the Child Fatality/Protection Team.

… Approved Greg Martin, Arthur Bullock and Linda Miller for the EMS Advisory Council.

… Martin went over the Calendar of Events –  October 2015  – November 2015

… Items that were proposed to be open for a vote at the next board meeting were: Bladen County Credit Card Use Policy & Bank Card Use Agreement, Bladen County Financial and Budgetary Policies

… A sub-committee was formed to discuss the strategic planning process. Commissioners Peterson, Cogdell, Bullock, and Edge volunteered to serve on the sub-committee.

… Commissioners approved Wayne Raynor as the Interim Director of Bladen County Health and Human Services after they came back from closed session.

… Commissioner Cogdell thanked Martin for putting together the binders with the Rules of Procedure for the Bladen County Board of Commissioners that were adopted in January of 2015 and amended in July 2015.

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