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BladenOnline latest report from Google Analytics indicates the upward movement continues.

July 19-25
Pages Viewed 96,585
Visits 19,363
Users 9,203

Breakdown by Desktop, Mobile and Tablet
Pages Viewed
Desktop 55,498
Mobile 29,043
Tablet 12,031

23% of our pages viewed came from Facebook.
1% came from Twitter

Pages Viewed by Day
Sunday 7,952
Monday 13,471
Tuesday 16,499
Wednesday 15,444
Thursday 13,841
Friday 19,058
Saturday 10,322

For the week of July 19-25, 2015, our busiest time of the day is 8 to 10 a.m., around 4 p.m. and 9 to 10 p.m., however, our numbers are consistent all day long.

We listed our top 10 stories in an earlier report. One surprise is “Kirby van is not trying to sell vacuums.” We published the article several weeks ago. We continue to receive inquiries, one of the latest came from a lady in Conway, SC who recently had a visit by the vendors. She told us she remembered reading our article earlier. It is still available in our archives section.

Bottom line is BladenOnline is alive and well. Our numbers remain strong and growing. We thank you for your support, readers and sponsors. If you have family or friends anywhere in the world who are interested in Bladen County people and activities, tell them about BladenOnline.com

The Best Is Yet To Come.

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