Hurricane Helene ravaged the western part of North Carolina in September. Golden LEAF has been working on its response to support the relief and recovery of Western North Carolina.
In October, the Golden LEAF Board of Directors awarded $7.5 million to support WNC Strong: Helene Business Recovery Fund, which provides rapid recovery loans to small businesses suffering economic losses related to the impacts of Hurricane Helene. The fund is administered by Mountain BizWorks. In October, the Golden LEAF Foundation was appropriated $50 million by the North Carolina General Assembly to support business recovery loans. Golden LEAF then awarded $50 million to Mountain BizWorks to enhance the support of WNC Strong: Helene Business Recovery Fund.
In October, the Golden LEAF Board also established a Hurricane Helene Relief initiative. Funds are available to organizations to support immediate relief for individuals and families including home repair, addressing unmet needs, and helping transition out of FEMA supported housing programs. Governmental entities and 501(c)(3) nonprofits are eligible to apply for Hurricane Helene Relief funds. In November, the Golden LEAF Board met in two special meetings to award $2,757,654 in funding to support 11 Hurricane Helene Relief projects.