This spring brings new life and many celebrations with the lull of the Covid Pandemic. Flowers and trees bloom, blueberries and strawberries are harvested, and graduation ceremonies are held.
Farmers are working in the fields; teachers prepare students for final tests; business and non-profit leaders organize festivals and new projects to draw crowds and commerce.
In our area, we have the annual White Lake Water Festival. Many have said this year’s festival was one of the best in history. A parade, craft, and food vendors along with live music entertained hundreds of people at the “Nation’s Safest Beach” here in Bladen County. It is a gift to have so many dedicated community members.
Some entrepreneurs in Bladenboro, Elizabethtown, and White Lake opened up for business with good wishes on much success. Other companies and the Lake Church at White Lake celebrated new construction and renovations. To see others prosper is a blessing.
In Bladenboro, demolition is making way for the new Town Square project slated to bring new businesses to the downtown area. Downsides and fears of the unknown may accompany changes for some, even if they are good changes. It is essential to look for the praiseworthy and admirable things in new seasons in life.
Students, teachers, parents, family, and friends celebrate the academic year in the springtime with proms, graduations, and religious ceremonies in May and June. Since the Pandemic hit Bladen County in 2020, the community members, parents, and teachers have stepped up like true heroes.
This year, many Class of 2021 high school seniors I have watched grow into amazing young men and women. It is so exciting to think about their futures and where they will go. It does take a village to raise a child. I hope some will stay in Bladen County to share their talents with us, but my greatest hope is the Lord will bless them all for His glory!
Local elected officials are working on the new fiscal year budgets, and the State Board of Education is working on new education standards. The public is invited to attend these governing body meetings. It is important to remember the people serving on these boards and offer guidance and prayers. At times, it is hard to work with people who have different ideas than your own, but may the concerned voices receive listening ears.
Last but not least, this past weekend, we observed Memorial Day. It is important to remember the sacrifices made for our freedoms. I will leave you with this quote by one of my favorite people, President Abraham Lincoln. “I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.”
–Nov. 21, 1864 Letter to Lydia Bixby
Peace and love,
Charlotte Smith