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By Cara Beth Lewis

Bladen County is currently hosting US Army Special Forces training at the Regional First Responders Training Center near White Lake. The trainees are in the final phase of their training, known as Robin Sage. During this rigorous final test of their abilities, aspiring Green Berets get their first taste of what the US Special Forces do.

This is the first time Bladen County hosts Robin Sage training. Previously, the event has been sponsored by Chatham, Randolph, Moore, and Montgomery Counties. According to Sergeant Gary Turlington, one of two training officers,  it brings revenue to the county. In addition, improvements are being made to the Bladen County training facility. Sergeant Turlington told BladenOnline, “Everyone benefits from their presence here.”

Sergeant Gary Turlington and Sergeant Barry Pait, training officers,  share a common goal — to break the barrier between civilians and law enforcement.

There are over 100 participants in the two-week-long training event. Sergeant Turlington stated, “We are glad to have them here, and we hope they come back.” In agreement, Sergeant Pait added, “It is a privilege to assist with the training of America’s finest.”

The US Army Special Forces offer expertise in their field that is not found anywhere else. They endure intense training and work hard to obtain the title “Green Beret.”

In the words of Sergeant Turlington, “This is an ongoing effort from Sheriff McVicker’s office to improve everyone’s safety in the region.”

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