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Spring time marks new beginnings in a lot of ways. This Easter Monday is no different. Our beloved, Erin Smith, resigned today as General Manager of BladenOnline.com.

Our staff is grateful for Erin’s three year tenure. She worked hard bringing the latest news and happenings in our area to our loyal readers.

“The departure did not come as a surprise to us. At the start of every year we look ahead to the goals we would like to achieve. Erin made known her quest to make changes in her life and we supported those changes,” said Charlotte Smith, Owner of BladenOnline.com.

Before leaving Erin posed the question, “How do you say farewell to something that has been in your life in some capacity for the past several years?”

She said, “Saying farewell is never easy but it is even more difficult when it is something that you have known for the better part of a lifetime.”

Erin has been a fixture in the Bladen County news industry for a long time. She has garnered respect and admiration from many during her career as a journalist.

“When I graduated college, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do or where I was headed, but I knew one thing—I loved the craft of writing,” Erin reminisced.

She recalled with a smile being hired by one of BladenOnline’s founders, Michael Simmons, when he was an editor at a local newspaper many years ago as the start of her professional writing career.

Erin said, “As I reflect on my time as a reporter/staff writer, I realize I have met many amazing people along the way. I have had the opportunity to write about triumphs. I have had the opportunity to write about how our community has come together in the face of tragedy. I have had the opportunity to write about those who went above and beyond in efforts to make our community better. I have had the opportunity to celebrate milestones in our community.”

She continued, “The rest as they say, is history. I have had the opportunity to write about some of the history making events that have occurred in Bladen County including Hurricanes Matthew and Florence. It has been a wonderful time getting to know our community, our county, and the many folks who make it the wonderful place that it is to live, play and work.”

Erin added, “Now, it is time that I move on to another place to pursue new challenges. There are stories that I have covered over the years that will stay with me forever. There are stories that I have had the honor to report that have warmed my heart beyond measure. But, saying farewell, I must.”

She departed by saying, “Good byes are hard for me. So, instead, I’m not saying good bye, but I will say so long for now. I hope to see you again some day.”

On the bittersweet exit Charlotte stated, “Today, what first came to mind was, bidding goodbye is such sweet sorrow, but it didn’t really seem to fit quite right. Then my heart started to sing the old song, “Happy trails to you, until we meet again, keep smiling until then.”

Charlotte added, “Erin will be missed like crazy, but I am extremely grateful for the service she has provided with us.”

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