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A results-based “Turn the Curve” exercise and luncheon is scheduled Tuesday, March 28 at the Bladen County Cooperative Extension office in Elizabethtown.

The event is planned from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and is sponsored by the Bladen County Health Department and Healthy Bladen Collaborative.

“Turn the Curve” exercises are designed to provide groups and individuals with hands-on experience in results-based decision making through actually “turning the curve” on specific indicators of community well-being.

Starting with the end result in mind, the exercise will work backward, step-by-step, to determine the causes and forces at work behind the conditions in the community. This process will help identify key factors, needs, and strategies linked to improving quality of life and performance of programs impacting Bladen County residents.

The Bladen County Extension Office is at 450 Smith Circle.

To attend, you must contact Terri Duncan by March 24 by calling 910-862-6900 or by email tduncan@bladenco.org.

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