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Royace E. Williams

Hickory Grove Baptist Church is seeking revival!  We want to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and our commitment to Him and His calling to share Him with our neighbors and the world.

We believe that God desires revival in our nation, world and county.  What are “Revival Services”?  They are special times set aside for God’s people to experience the conviction of the Holy Spirit and to repent of their sins and commit to a more faithful life committed to the Lord Jesus and His glory.

These are also great opportunities for people who desire peace with God to come and hear God speak through the Bible and, through the working of the Holy Spirit, come to Jesus for salvation and eternal life.

Rev. Williams has conducted hundreds of revivals and led in 150 missions or music events across 21 states and 8 foreign countries.  He was with us 1½ years ago and we are grateful to have him back.  If you would like to know more about our evangelist call Hickory Grove B.C. at 910.863.1506 or go to www.roycewilliams.com.

To God be the Glory!


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