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By Blake Proctor

There is much interest among Bladen residents to learn what happened at the May 18th County Commission meeting; these highlights cover the most asked-about topics from that meeting. Be on the lookout for the comprehensive coverage within the next few days.

Of utmost concern to many county residents, and especially to county employees, was the issue of reopening County Offices beginning Monday, June 1st . The County Commissioners discussed this briefly, but did not vote on the matter. Earlier, however, they did talk about the possibility of the Board meeting in person at its regular June 1 st meeting rather than telephonically, but again without the public in attendance.

Also of great interest to some citizens were the public hearings held for action on a pair of Forgivable Loans provided to Bladen’s Bloomin’ to attract two industries to the county. These public hearings were to hear comments and input from interested parties on these forgivenesses; the votes will be at the June 1 st meeting.

The first loan, for $926,775.33, was to attract a company into Incubator #5; this manufacturer is remaining unnamed until officially announced by Governor Cooper’s office.

The second loan is for $201,949.10, and was instrumental in attracting Westwood Manufacturing into Incubator #6. Westwood manufactures robotics and plasma devices.

The Commissioners, after donning their Water District Director hats, adopted a resolution providing for the issuance of $4,997,000 Water System Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes. Anticipation Notes are issued “in anticipation” of the issuance of the actual bonds so that the Phase IV Water Construction Project can begin; the ordinance approving that project was also adopted.

Several employees were recognized for their county tenures. A full list will be included in the upcoming comprehensive report.

View the full meeting now:

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