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Historical SocietyA heated and contentious joint meeting of Harmony Hall Plantation Village, Inc. and the Bladen County Historical Society ended with the resignations of Bobby Lewis and Seth Lewis on Thursday night.

The meeting was convened for conducting the business of the Bladen County Historical Society first. The minutes from the prior meeting were read by Seth Lewis but were dated from the August 2015 re-organizational meeting. When asked about any newer minutes, Seth Lewis said that Secretary Sunday Allen could not attend the meeting and the only minutes he had with him were the August minutes.

Next, Lewis gave an oral treasurer’s report. He said the Historical Society currently has on hand, $5,042.76.

Historical Society member Maureen Bell asked about a paper copy of the treasurer’s report. After further discussion, Bell requested that there be full disclosure of the funds for the Historical Society with paper documentation that can be reviewed.

Tony Parnell gave a report on the books. He said that he has been maintaining the books in the kiosk located at Bladen Office Supply and there is currently an ample supply.

Paul Layton asked about a membership list and who has paid membership dues to the society. Seth Lewis answered that Sunday Allen has the list and emphasized that Allen was unable to attend the meeting due to a prior engagement.

It was requested that a membership list be sent to all active members of the society.

“We all have emails,” said Bell.

A motion was made by Bell to have available at each meeting paper copies of the financial reports and copies of the minutes, etc.  There was some contention over the motion and Layton interjected that the board could not tell Bell what motion to make.

The board next attempted to establish a membership list from those present.

There was also a question asked regarding a called meeting that was supposed to have taken place in January, which Parnell said was canceled. There was also some discussion regarding the Historical Society’s bylaws and how often officers for the board should be elected.

Lewis Smith said the membership would like to know who the directors are that are currently serving.

A motion was made and approved requiring the minutes of the prior meeting to be sent out to the members at least 10 days prior to the next meeting.

Seth Lewis said Jason Bordeaux has made a request that historical documents and records that are housed in the library and in the historical society room in the basement of the courthouse be more readily available for public inspection. Bordeaux was unable to attend the meeting.

Seth Lewis introduced a proposal to rename the bridge at Tar Heel that spans the Cape Fear River for Col. James Richardson. He told the group that the cost of the application to the NC Department of Transportation for naming the bridge is currently $2,000 but because the group began the process in March 2015, they would be grandfathered at a cost of $1,000.

He told the group that the Historical Society had received a contribution from the Bladen County Board of Commissioners for $500 and he requested that the membership consider putting the money towards the application fee.

Bell passed out some information to the group regarding the renaming of the bridge and told the group that her objection to the renaming has nothing to do with Col. James Richardson. She pointed out that when a meeting is held where there is no involvement and no discussion, it is difficult for everyone to come together and reach a consensus.

A motion was made to rename the bridge and a roll call vote saw the item voted down.

The Historical Society meeting was adjourned and the Harmony Hall Plantation Village, Inc. meeting was then called to order.

Secretary Judy Elkins read the minutes of the previous meeting and Tony Parnell gave the Treasurer’s report. Parnell said that the group had $10,154.37 after the bill for the new roof was paid. He said the materials for the roof cost $5,551.20 and the labor was about $4,700. Parnell was asked how much income Harmony Hall is receiving and he replied, “Not much.”

“Do you have number?”


A motion was made and approved that there be a detailed treasurer’s report that will include all expenditures, all income and the sources at all meetings, and the funds available from the period beginning Sept. 1, 2015 to the present.

Next, HHPV President Seth Lewis introduced Jim Perry who gave the group an overview on grant writing. He told the group about his background working with the Council of Government.

“If we are going after serious dollars, we need to get down on paper what this organization is and you have got to be better organized,” said Perry.

He said he has been trying to assist the executive directors in developing a strategy for the group to work towards. Perry said one of the things the group needs to do is obtain an inventory of the assets and their physical condition.

Perry said the group also needs organizational stability. He said the group needs to file paper work on a regular basis and “you absolutely must have  budget and you absolutely need a budget document.”  He added he can assist with developing those items.

Maureen Bell supported bringing Perry on board to assist the group going forward.

A motion was made and defeated to adjourn the meeting.

Bobby Lewis said that he officially resigned from all his duties.

Next there was discussion about formalization of minutes and other pertinent documents.

“Over the past year, we have had a lot of good things done,” said Seth Lewis.

He itemized that the skeleton of the roof has been repaired, the roof has been replaced.

“The bridge application is ready to be completed if anybody wants to pursue that. Jim Perry is primed and ready to go,” said Seth Lewis.

Seth Lewis also resigned his positions with both Harmony Hall and the Historical Society.

The meeting was adjourned.

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