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Dr. Mark Hoffman, Horticulture Science- NC State University

Nancy Olsen, Horticulture Agent for NC Cooperative Extension Bladen County

Although the hurricane is over, there seems to be stress in the air. Everywhere I go people are stressed. There is so much to do if you, friends or family have had damage. There are many fantastic resources out there if you do need help. I have compiled some information for those of you who have experienced damages to homes and yards due to Hurricane Florence. The most important step is to assess damage for insurance purposes. Please put the safety of yourself and your loved ones first! For more information on flood damage, home restoration and how to stay safe, please visit NC State Extension’s North Carolina Disaster Information Center. https://ncdisaster.ces.ncsu.edu/

The North Carolina Disaster Information Center has many many recovery fact sheets that you can choose to read. You are sure to find at lease one that will answer your questions. Whether you have damage inside your home or outside in the yard or on the farm, FIRST take pictures and document the damage. THEN clean up. The documentation is crucial for insurance purposes and all other steps.

The NCDA and CS has installed a phone hotline and provides frequent updates on their homepage. If you have questions about procedures, please call the hotline (866-645-9403) and visit http://www.ncagr.gov/disaster/   The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has activated its hotline to connect farmers with resources that can assist with agricultural emergencies. The toll-free number is 1-866-645-9403. A live operator will be available on the hotline between 7 am and 7 pm. Please call this number if you need assistance on your farm.

Farm Aid Disaster Assistance information: http://www.farmaid.org/our-work/family-farmers/disaster-assistance-for-farmers/

FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/what-do-if-your-business-or-farm-was-damaged

USDA Disaster Help: All programs:

WHIP: Immediate Assistance Program:

USDA Disaster Help Guidelines: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS21212.pdf

I hope these websites will answer the majority of your questions. The Extension office in Bladen County will continue to have information available to you. Please feel free to call us at 910-862-4591 or stop by the office. The stress will subside and things will get back to normal in time.

This article was written by Dr. Mark Hoffman, Horticulture Science- NC State University and adjusted for Bladen County by Nancy Olsen, Horticulture Agent for NC Cooperative Extension Bladen County

Author: bladenonline

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