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by Leyton Ezzell

International Town Criers Day is a day to remember the people called Town Criers, also known as “Bellmen,” normally celebrated on the second Monday in July. The role that these criers play is to call out public announcements in the streets of the towns. Criers even have their own uniforms. The uniforms include a red and gold coat, white breeches, black boots, and a tricorn hat.

But why celebrate these Criers? Well, the Town Criers were the only source of news to the public during the 18th century. Criers were eventually phased out due to an increased literacy rate, hence the increased production of newspapers. Printed newspapers would eventually be phased out by digital media, such as news channels and online news sources.

Did you also know that ancient town criers are where the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger” comes from? If royalty didn’t like the news that was sent out, they’d execute the messenger that gave them the information. However, eventually, this was outlawed, and people could no longer kill the messenger.

How did International Town Criers Day come about? Well, we can thank a man known as Scott Fraser, a town crier in Waterloo, Ontario. Fraser eventually found out that there was no day to honor Town Criers, and so he made his own day to honor those who had his career before him.

International Town Criers Day has its own hashtag, #InternationalTownCriersDay. You yourself can also become a town crier at www.americantwoncriers.com




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