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Manage Your Ever – Increasing Camera Roll

By: Gordon Kinlaw


iphoneIf you have an iPhone 5 or 6, you know they make some really nice photos and videos. More and more phone users have iPhones now, especially since the release of the 6 and 6+.

How did you get to the point of having 1100 photos and videos on your iPhone and getting an alert that you are running out of storage space?

We never use those little digital cameras anymore because our phones are always with us and it shoots great photos that we can quickly share. You don’t have to remove a card and load the files on your computer anymore. You just keep on  shooting and sharing and shooting and sharing, and then one day you can’t even read mail because there are 0 bytes left for use on the phone. And each new phone version makes larger photos to store.  READ MORE



iPhone Photo Mmgt 1

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