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iphoneiOS 10 is available for download even though you have not been notified. Some users have reported freezes and have had to do a factory reset losing everything on their phones if they didn’t backup.

Apple says they have fixed the problem now. Be sure you back up your phone to iTunes on your computer or iCloud. There is enough room on iCloud if you don’t have many photos (<150) and 50-75 music files. If you have backed up to iCloud before you may have to manage/delete old backups to get some room. To manage iCloud storage, go to Settings/General/Storage/Manage iCloud. To back up to iCloud, go to Settings/ iCloud and look for Backup option and turn it on. When you turn it on, it will start a backup, so allow plenty of time and plug phone into the wall.

I choose to use the PC for backup because my phone is full of app’s as you can see on the screen shot below. I also don’t want to pay Apple for additional storage beyond 5.5 gb. You will have to download the latest version of iTunes, 12.5.1, when you try to download and update your phone using iTunes (that’s an option at the top right of the phone screen).

iTunes will download the large file for iTunes update and then the file needed to update the phone for iOS 10 which is faster than downloading the 1 gig file on your phone. The iOS 10 file will never be stored on your phone.

If you get a notifications that iOS 10 is available, chances are that the 1 gig file has already been downloaded to your phone (that has space) without your knowledge.

Below is my iTunes screen right now. I am downloading the iTunes file now which is 172 mb. Note the storage bar at the bottom that show how much space is remaining open, how much space used by apps (I have over 100), and how much dreaded “Other”. Other is the storage taken by apps to look at photos or do the things you do on your phone. You can get rid of other by doing a factory reset which no one wants to do.

I have used the “cleopatra movie” trick in the iTunes Store to clean up some of the other but take note that it does not work now- Apple caught on to that one.. I got 500 mb of storage back trying to rent the movie 3 times.

If you are paranoid about losing your photos, download the Google Photo app and let it sync all of your pictures and videos to the Google Cloud for free. I use this app every day to look at photos. If you have lots of photos, this could take all night to sync the first time.. Select backup on wifi only.

I see that I have 1.7 gb free now, so I was able to free up 700mb of space. Time to pull the trigger on iOS 10. Remember the iPhones for sale this month have been moved up to 32gb of storage to give you more space and more to manage.


Having said all of the above, I would recommend you wait 2-3 weeks in case there are more bugs in 10. I am jumping the gun this time so I can prepare another article on the new features and any problems. “Taking one for the team”.

Finally, any OS update to your phone can result in a loss of data on your phone no matter how careful you are. Backup gives you an option to restore your phone. If you need further info or help, call the Apple help line.

An hour has passed since I began the backup, download and update to the phone and I see the phone is about ready. It’s restarting with the Apple logo on the screen. The update started up smoothly without setting up iCloud again like it normally does.

The next article will deal with the changes that might surprise you in 10.

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