Greetings! 3 things to know for Thursday, January 29
1. One year ago today, Bladen County had between 2 and 4 inches of snow on the ground as a winter storm passed Jan. 28-29, 2014. Icy roads resulted in school and business closures for several days. One fallout from the snow was that students went to school an extra 16 minutes each day for the rest of the year to help make up the lost days. Hey, kids, you have to pay for that time off.
2. The Town of Bladenboro will have a ribbon cutting Friday at 2 p.m. to officially open its newly constructed community building downtown. It replaces the 70-year-old facility that sat on the same spot.
3. The Elizabethtown Dixie Youth steak dinner will be held at Elizabethtown Primary School on Feb. 6. Steak plates are $10 each. Reverse raffle tickets, which include two steak plates are being sold for $50 apiece. Call Rusty Hill at 873-3369 for information.
And now you know.