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WASHINGTON – Currently, membership in a violent gang is not sufficient grounds for deportation.  Today, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) joined a bipartisan majority to change that.

The Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act (H.R. 3697):

·        Allows illegal immigrants to be deported if they are identified as gang members, whether or not they have been convicted of other crimes.
·        Specifically bars non-citizen gang members from being admitted to the United States.
·        Ensures illegal immigrants who are gang members are not eligible for asylum, temporary status, and other immigration benefits.

“My primary duty is to protect and defend the United States,” said Congressman Pittenger.  “Violent gangs terrorize innocent Americans, yet our current immigration laws allow gang members to remain in the United States.  Today, we took common sense action to remove illegal immigrant gang members from our communities.”

The Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act (H.R. 3697) today passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a bipartisan vote of 233-175.

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