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Happy Groundhog’s Day to one and all. I know that our friend Punxsutawney Phil is not really a meteorologist but it’s a fun tradition we follow each year. I guess it must not be rainy and overcast in Pennsylvania today because the newscasters have declared that he did see his shadow, and has forecast 6 more weeks of winter for the nation. It certainly feels like winter around here today. Maybe we will get the chance to play in some snow.

As usual, the new beginning to a month brings with it the report from the fine folks at the Bladen County Health Department, making us aware of the sanitation inspections that were performed in the previous month. You can check out the list below to see which restaurants, kitchens, delis, and stores were inspected this year in January.

I can see in the list that there are a few places I haven’t visited yet. I’ll be looking forward to some new flavors in the future. As always, I bid you bon appetite.

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