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“Fight like JT,” is the slogan that is emblazoned on shirts being sold in Bladen County to help raise funds for baby JT. On Tuesday, parents Kelsey Cox and Jacobe Higgs received the news baby JT’s leukemia has returned and appears to be very aggressive.

A friend of the family has set up a Go Fund Me page to assist with family with expenses. One can also find updates on JT’s progress posted here and on the Facebook site JT’s Journey.

JT has begun another series of chemotherapy treatments and his parents are hopeful that he will be able to participate in a clinical trial that is offered at Duke University Medical Center. Ultimately, JT will need a bone marrow transplant.

Currently, Kelsey is unable to work as she is spending time with JT at the hospital and Jacobe is trying to work and travel between their home and the hospital. This also means the added expense of hotel bills as well as the medical costs for JT’s treatments.

Kelsey shared in a Facebook post on JT’s Journey which explained just how expensive cancer treatment can be for a family. She explained the drug which will be used in the clinical trial, if JT is allowed take part, will cost $178,000. She said she also learned in a cancer support group the average cost of cancer treatment can range between $2 to $5 million. Kelsey said she learned in the discussion that with a bone marrow transplant those costs can be even higher.

Leukemia is a word no parent wants to hear especially when it concerns the health of their then 7-month-old baby.  Kelsey and Jacobe received the devastating diagnosis on Sept. 10, 2016, when their son, JT, was originally diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He began a series of chemotherapy treatments and had gone into remission until it was learned Tuesday the leukemia has returned.

Click now to donate. Want to order a shirt to show your support, click here. Stay up-to-date by visiting JT’s Facebook page.

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