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By: Jefferson Weaver
Staff Writer

Jefferson-WeaverAn area woman has earned certification in a new field of nursing.
Kelly Hickman Robeson of Bladenboro was recently certified as a Clinical Nurse Leader. Robeson received her Master’s degree in nursing in May from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and took the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) exam in July.

According to the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the CNL is an emerging nursing role developed in collaboration with leaders in the fields of education and practice. CNL certification is based upon a national standard of requisite knowledge and experiences. Certification is granted for a period of five years.

While a relatively new program, the CNL position has been embraced by the Veterans Administration system as part of its national improvement program. Robeson has spent some of her time since her CNL certification at the Fayetteville VA hospital. CNLs are also qualified to work as nursing leaders and care providers in virtually every medical setting, from rural clinics to critical care wards, assisted living centers and teaching hospitals.

CNLs have specialized training in maintaining patient quality of care, assisting and informing physicians, specialists and nursing teams, and keeping the patient informed about healthcare choices.
The Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) is an autonomous certifying arm of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The mission of the CNC is to oversee the CNL certification activities in order to assure communities of interest that the certificants have met acceptable standards of practice. The CNL® Certification Program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Over 4,000 professionals have earned the CNL credential. The CNL is a master’s prepared clinician, governed by the CNC Board of Commissioners. The CNC and staff are solely responsible for the policies and administration of the CNL Certification Program.

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