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In the photo above Denise Taylor Bridgers with Lu Mil Vineyard is seen presenting Richard Sibbett, a Dublin Peanut Festival member, with a $1000 check.

The Carolina blue sky over Lu Mil Vineyard on Saturday, February 20, 2021, was noteworthy for the establishment’s first 5K Wine Run. The day was a success, with 563 participating in the event. 

The Dublin Peanut Festival and Barefoot Brew are just a couple of the local businesses and organizations participating in the competition. Miss Dublin Peanut Festival Alyssa Bell took part in the event with the team Nuttin But the Best, placing 154th. Trinidad E Martinez Zarco won first place in the race. 


Although Lu Mil Vineyard did not receive any funds from the 5K Wine Run, the 5K programs raise funds and awareness to support the local community and agricultural heritage. Denise Taylor Bridgers with Lu Mil Vineyard presented Richard Sibbett, a Dublin Peanut Festival member, with a $1000 check on Monday this week. 

When asked why the Dublin Peanut Festival was chosen as the event’s charity, President of Lu Mil Vineyard, Ron Taylor, said, “The Dublin Peanut Festival challenges young girls and is encouraging to them with their pageant. They show children how to participate in the community, and they benefit the schools.”

Denise Taylor Bridgers with Lu Mil Vineyard added more about the charity, saying, “It’s home to us. It’s near and dear to my heart and Ron’s heart. We appreciate everything they do for the community.”

When asked about the donation to the non-profit, Richard said, “I was pleasantly surprised at the donation amount and of walkers and runners they had. We appreciate the community support and look forward to serving the community in the future.”

Although the Dublin Peanut Festival (DPF) committee had to cancel two festivals over the past three years due to weather and COVID, they continue to work to make a difference in the community. 

Miss Dublin Peanut Festival, Alyssa Bell, promoted the 2020 Census, supported local businesses by attending ribbon cutting ceremonies, and paid visits to other areas to promote the Town of Dublin and the peanut industry. In 2020, the DPF committee made a donation to Dublin Primary School and Plainview Primary School for each school’s Physical Education Department.

This year the DPF hopes to be able to bring family fun to the Dublin community with the annual pageant, parade, and festival.

Talking about the attendance at the race, Ron said, “We were blown away. We didn’t know what to expect. It brought so many people to Lu Mil that had never been before, and some of the people have already made another visit back here.”  

Denise said, “It was great to get to see some of the local folks because it’s been so long since we have been able to get together.” She continued, “There were people from all over. We did pull in a lot of military people in for the race too.”

All participants received a race t-shirt, souvenir wine glass, a finisher medal, and a glass of wine or soda. The J3 Timing company professionally timed the event, and COVID-19 safety precautions were in place to keep the race safe for all involved. 

Denise confirmed Lu Mil Vineyard is planning to host another 5K Wine Run. She said, “We don’t have a definite date, but we are planning to have one in the fall.”

Lu Mil Vineyard is located at 438 Suggs-Taylor Road in Bladen County, N.C. 

According to organizer Vicki Sibbett, with the Dublin Peanut Festival Pageant, there is a date set for the annual DPF pageant. The contest is scheduled for September 11, 2021. 

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