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Chancellor Jose V. Sartarelli has declared a state of emergency for the UNCW campus. A mandatory campus evacuation has been issued beginning at 8 a.m. Tuesday.

UNCW has issued a mandatory campus evacuation for all students, effective at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11. Students must evacuate campus beginning at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11, and must leave campus no later than 12 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11. (A voluntary evacuation remains in place until then.)

The university is collaborating with UNC Asheville to house those UNCW students who do not have other options for safe shelter. A shelter, with cots for students, is in place at UNC Asheville and meals will be made available to students housed there. Every effort is being made to ensure our students’ safety and comfort during this time. To register for assistance, please contact the Dean of Students’ Office at 910.962.3119, no later than 5 p.m.today, Monday, Sept. 10. The university will not be able to provide assistance in securing a location after 5 p.m. today. Students will not be allowed back in the residence halls and/or on campus after 12 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 11; the university will convey information about returning to campus when available.

We cannot overstate this: Before heading out, you should have a FULL TANK OF GAS, a PAPER MAP, and CASH, as you could face challenges finding available/functioning ATMs and gas stations during the preparation for, and duration of, this event. In addition, bring  with you medications, items of value, important documents (license, passport, checks), and anything else you could need during a potentially extended absence.


The university is under Condition 1 until further notice. We will update employees upon a change in condition, if applicable. Please visit this page for details on these conditions and consult with your supervisor regarding any concerns you may have.


The university will continue monitoring the situation in close collaboration with the National Weather Service and state and local agencies, and will share updates as warranted. When any new information becomes available and authorities are confident in its accuracy, it will be shared with the university community via the channels below.

It is imperative that students and employees continue to monitor their UNCW inboxes, the UNCW homepage, the UNCW Alert site and social media feeds (Facebook and Twitter), as well as local weather reports. The weather hotline (888.657.5751) has been activated, but please remember the hotline features only information that has already been disseminated via these other channels; it is in operation for those who may not have internet service for access to the homepage, etc. Please also be advised that the UNCW website may not be fully functional in the event of a catastrophic weather event; in that case, text alerts, social media, and email will be the primary methods of communication.

Student phone numbers are automatically registered to receive UNCW Alert emergency notifications by voice and text message. Students should follow these instructions to review or update their contact numbers. Only faculty and staff who have voluntarily registered their cell phone numbers with the university will receive UNCW Alert emergency text messages and voicemails. UNCW strongly encourages faculty and staff to register for these alerts. Please see these instructions (PDF) to register for the service, change contact numbers or opt out.

As always, you must make the best decision for you personally. Your safety is our primary concern, but you know your circumstances better than anyone. Students, consult with your families; employees, consult with your supervisors. Follow the course of action you believe is right for you. Thank you for your continued attention. Please note this inbox is not monitored for inquiries concerning the weather event as communications staff are focused on receiving and conveying updates from authorities. Please consult local media, the resources above, and previous messages for the latest information.

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