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May is national Cystic Fibrosis Awareness month and people are encouraged stories of friends and loved ones diagnosed with CF.  CF is a genetic disorder that results in the over production of mucus in the lungs, pancreas and other organs and which can lead to repeated lung infections reducing a person’s ability to breathe over time.

The month of May has been set aside as a time to raise awareness and to educate the public about the disease.  Newborn screening for CF is now performed in every state in the United States.

Pamela Melton’s son, Nathan Nance suffers from CF and Melton has begun a booster to help raise awareness and to raise money for a cure. You can purchase a T-shirt from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for $20. According to Melton, all funds are paid directly to CFF.org. To purchase a shirt, click here.


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