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Charlotte, NC– Robert Pittenger has never let facts interfere with his rhetoric. As Robert Pittenger and his staff continue to spew Fake News, it requires our neighbors to put forth the extra effort to fact check his misinformation and outright lies.

Neighbors Christian Cano and our Cano For Congress Team have fact checked Robert Pittenger’s recent Op-Ed about Medicaid and how we treat our American Citizens.

“We have released a video response to correct the outrages claims and outright lies shared by Trump surrogate Robert Pittenger. https://youtu.be/NB_mpMx7O90

“We Deserve Better than a Congressman who has worse negative ratings than President 45 and who doesn’t understand the difference between Medicare and Medicaid.

“Don’t just trust us. Your family needs to research everything that Robert Pittenger says as he continues his PittSpiracy theories about good people and Americans.”

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