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Currie, NC– On Saturday, February 26, and Sunday, February 27, Moores Creek National Battlefield will be commemorating the 246th Anniversary of the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge. Park staff, park partners, volunteers, and other living historians will be offering a variety of programs and demonstrations throughout the weekend.

The event will begin with a Wreath Laying Ceremony at 10:00 am on Saturday the 26th. Demonstrations and programs will include battle commemoration programs at 12 and 3:30 pm on both days, performances by the Tryon Palace Fife and Drum Corps on Sunday, Feb. 27, as well as playing 18th-century toys and games, blacksmithing, writing with quill and ink, candle making, Loyalist and Patriot programs, guided tours, and so much more! In addition, Ranger Bert Dunkerly will provide a program on Saturday at 1:00 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm.

The event is FREE and OPEN to the public. For a full listing of event details, please stay connected to us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/moorescreeknps or visit our website at www.nps.gov/mocr. Event information will be posted as it becomes available.


staff report
Author: staff report

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