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Each year on the Friday before Memorial Day, it is National Don’t Fry Day. The goal of National Don’t Fry Day is to raise awareness of all the risks of overexposure to the sun. It is important for everyone to remember to use good sun protection and sun safety practices.

Unfortunately, skin cancer is increasing in the United States and the American Cancer Society estimates that one American dies every hour from skin cancer. The risk for ultraviolet (UV) damage of the skin increases as we spend more time enjoying the outdoors now that warmer weather is upon us. We need to take precautions when we are outside in the sun. Using a good sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat are a few ways to get started with sun safety.

Skin cancer is curable if it is found early. Be aware of changes on your skin with growths in moles. See your doctor if you have any concerns. Be safe!

For more information see : http://skincancerprevention.org/programs/dont-fry-day

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