Independent contractors and self-employed workers out of work because of the COVID-19 outbreak can now apply for federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance at des.nc.gov, according to U.S. Congressman David Rouzer.
If you have already applied and been denied for state unemployment benefits, you may need to provide additional information to apply again. You should sign in to your online account and click on the ‘Apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance’ link to complete the application process.
If you need assistance filing your PUA claim, call the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance line at 866-847-7209.
More information and detailed instructions are here.
So far, North Carolina has paid out a total of more than $636 million in unemployment benefits to more than 280,000 people since the start of the outbreak.
The IRS has announced enhancements to its Get My Payment app that will enable more Americans to use the program to see the status of their CARES Act stimulus payment. If you had attempted to use Get My Payment unsuccessfully, you should try it again here. We have heard from a number of individuals who received error messages when attempting to determine the status of their payment, and it’s still likely to be imperfect. But we’ve heard anecdotally that more taxpayers are using the app successfully following these enhancements. More information from the IRS here.
The Town of Kure Beach has announced it will be opening up beaches and access points for walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and surfing effective Monday at noon. Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced. More information and details available at the town’s website here.
Brunswick County has set up a joint information center with a phone line and email address to answer residents’ coronavirus-related questions, available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Residents can call 910.253.2339 or e-mail coronavirus@brunswickcountync.gov with questions.
More information from Brunswick County here. As a reminder, all North Carolina residents can call 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162 to reach the state’s COVID-19 information line if they have questions.
Here’s the latest Frequently Asked Questions document from the Department of Veterans Affairs. It includes extensive information about health care, appointments, benefits, the status of VA cemeteries and burials and more. If you or a loved one are a veteran that receives care or benefits from the VA, be sure to read this page closely.
Johnston County now has a dedicated COVID-19 information page, with the latest updates on the status of the outbreak in the county.