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By Charlotte Smith

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced Friday morning the COVID-19 Cases in the State increased to 137 from 97 cases reported on Thursday. Dr. Terri Duncan, Bladen County Director of Health and Human Services reported, “As of this time, Bladen has no confirmed cases. Community transmission is now occurring across North Carolina.” 

She added, “Governor Cooper announced on March 19th there is now evidence of community spread of the COVID-19 virus. Any individual with fever and respiratory syndromes should remain isolated until one of the following conditions are met, at least seven (7) days since symptom onset, and greater than 72 hours after symptom resolution (absence of fever without use of fever-reducing medication and improvement of respiratory symptoms)”

Social distancing is essential at this time, according to healthcare officials. Not only due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), but also due to the increase in the flu this season.

 Influenza-like illness (ILI) (flu) has increased each week for the past two weeks, according to reports.

Dr. Duncan stated, “Guidelines are rapidly changing and updates rapidly increasing. The most recent flu report indicates a flu prevalence is 4.49%, where the baseline is 2.4% for our region. That is the second week of an upward trend.”

“The incidence of flu is greater than either of the last two years for the same time period.” She continued, “There are no flu related deaths for Bladen County. “

Last week there was one (1) new flu-related death in North Carolina reported by the NCDHHS, bringing the total flu deaths in the State to 138.

Subtype A and B flu viruses accounted for a majority of detections, according to the NCDHHS report. 

Last week, Hospital-based Public Health Epidemiologists (PHEs) reported 680 positive influenza virus results; 144 were positive for influenza B(unknown), 360 were positive for influenza A(unknown), and 176 were positive for influenza A(H1) virus. 

Bladen County residents have already been practicing social distancing. Local schools closed. Online interaction and education is practiced. Canceling or postponing large group gatherings continue to be announced. 

 Following are tips given by officials on how to practice social distancing. 

  • Stay at least six (6) feet away from other people in your household and in public.
  • Do not go visiting friends and family members unless it is absolutely necessary. Contact them through telephone calls and online interactions. The federal government is asking visitors to stay away from nursing homes and retirement or long-term care facilities unless providing critical assistance. 
  • Stay home, if possible. 

Remember, if you are not feeling well, officials ask you stay home and call your health care provider. If you have questions about COVID-19 you may dial 2-1-1. Cape Fear Valley Health announced if you have symptoms of COVID-19 you may call 910-615-LINK (5465). 

Below is a chart listing the common symptoms of different illnesses. 

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