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Charlotte, NC- “We find President 45’s remarks about women, and Mika, reprehensible. What’s more disturbing is that we must continue to respond to his comments and react to how they hurt and demean members of our society. This is not normal and not acceptable. We are doing our best to resist, and we have had some victories so far, notably in our almost historic levels of energy and mobilization. I have been proud to stand with women throughout my life. I was raised by my 9 incredible aunts and I understand the power of women. I was proud to stand with them during the women’s march earlier this year. And, to all women, know that you are not represented by our current president. I stand with women.

We are also disturbed by the cowardly silence of Robert Pittenger and other public servants who allow these types of despicable comments made by President 45 to continue. We challenge all candidates from both parties to speak out against this continued buffoonery by our President and those who defend what is indefensible.”

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