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RALEIGH – The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is seeking input from residents and other interested parties in Surry County concerning planned treatment activities for the non-native, highly destructive gypsy moth.

The meeting will be held Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m. at the Armfield Civic Center, 873 West 52 Bypass, Pilot Mountain. Information on proposed treatment options for the 21,755-acre site will be discussed.

Field monitoring activities conducted by the department have determined that reproducing populations of the gypsy moth exist just north of the town of Pilot Mountain, including the Ararat community. U.S. Highway 52 bisects the block north to south. Portions of Ararat Road and Old Westfield Road pass through the block as well. Ararat River, Flat Shoal Creek, Toms Creek, Chinquapin Creek, Bull Creek and Whittier Creek all pass through this block. The block is comprised of rural farmland, wooded areas and 3,398 homes. The proposed treatment involves one application of mating disruptant.

In 2016, as many as 11 moths per trap were captured. In 2017, as many as 8 moths per trap were captured, indicating a persistent population.

In early spring, gypsy moth caterpillars feed on the leaves of hundreds of plant species, predominantly oaks and other hardwood trees. In heavily infested areas, trees may be completely stripped of foliage, leaving entire forests more susceptible to attacks from other pests.

Gypsy moths can also be a nuisance to the general public. In heavily infested areas, caterpillars may crawl on driveways, sidewalks, outdoor furniture, into homes, or end up in pools. Heavy defoliation can affect parks and recreation areas. Some people can have allergic reactions to the caterpillars’ tiny hairs if inhaled.

Options for dealing with gypsy moth infestations include aerial spraying of biological pesticides or gypsy moth mating disruptants. Trapping grids will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of these treatments.

The department has addressed spot introductions of the gypsy moth in several areas across North Carolina since the 1970s. The department is working with nine other states through the Gypsy Moth Slow the Spread Foundation and with other state and federal agencies to reduce the expansion of the gypsy moth into uninfested areas of the country.

Author: bladenonline

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