Thoughts While Shaving
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Weather should be improving over the next couple of days….High today in the mid 60s overnight lows upper 50s and Thursday, high should be near 67 degrees…

Stock market was a ‘stinker’ yesterday….and apparently we can expect it to be greatly affected by what’s going on around the globe….tariffs, border wall issue, a shut-down of our federal government and several hundred thousand employees either not working and no pay or working and no pay….neither is a good option….too many balls in the air at one time, too much uncertainty….

And, two of the most stubborn politicians we have seen in a while ‘blaming’ each other, one party ‘damning’ the other and many can’t help but believe both are to blame….(count me in that group)…

New experience recently, been dropping all my change in a container for years, got to be a burden, so decided to take to a financial institution that had a ‘counting device’.  Must admit it was a first for me.  Folks at the local Credit Union were very helpful, and the proceeds exceeded my expectations.  So, I am a ‘happy saver’, for a few hours….

We are having what we thought was a ‘cleaning out’ of old items no longer used or wanted at our house…but what has happened, neither wants to dispose of items that will n-e-v-e-r, ever be used….So are beginning to re-pack and place back in closets for our children to deal with when we are deceased…I discovered a couple of hundred 33 rpm albums, country, easy listening, gospel, some of all types that I do want to dispose of ….anyone have an old music box that plays albums???  Interested, call me…condition from very good to very much used….

Oh, and thanks for recent response on Facebook….

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.    Mark Twain

Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.  Mark Twain

The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.  Mark Twain

robert g hester



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