Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingCongratulations to Judy Harrelson, retiring after 47 years with Bank of Elizabethtown, Wachovia, and Wells Fargo.  No, same company, she worked through all the mergers, never changed jobs, just adjusted to all and performed as a loyal employee should. Now, she can work full-time in her yard, accompany Herschel as he takes his daily stroll down Happy Valley Road and spend more time with family.  They were our neighbors for many years, non finer.  Enjoy, you earned it.

It’s August, means September and time for the Dublin Peanut Festival, it’s just around the corner.  Mark your calendar….Saturday, September 16.  Volunteers doing the job they have done for years, then sharing the financial proceeds with worthy projects throughout the area.

Ever Google Fake News?  Few will admit, but there are numerous pages listing such sites.  Sound like legit news sources, but with a twist. Examples, ABCNews.com.co.; Bloomburg.ma; NBCNews.com.co; Washingtonpost.com.co; National Report.com; Liberal Society; American News; The Boston Tribune; USAToday.com.co.  A shame, so many fooled and share the fake news as the real story.  Google the source before you pass it own, may be surprised.  A change of a dot, or using a legit news source with a slightly different ‘twist’ of wording or punctuation.  We are so gullible.

Rain all around us, some impressive numbers, but at the Hester household about an inch for the entire week despite cooler temps and threatening clouds.

So, what’s on your calendar this weekend.  Whatever, enjoy!

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.  James Dent

People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.  Anton Chekhov

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.  Sam Keen

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