Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThe recent rain has done wonders for local crops, lawns and maybe snakes as well. More pics of snakes on various social platforms than I recall.

I am no snake fan….I know, they are not likely to harm me, not if I can run faster than the snake can crawl. If there is a battle over space, my goal is to be the winner.

Mackenzie Gore, Whiteville native and a first round pick in last years Major League Baseball draft may be headed back to the disable list (DL). He continues to deal with blisters on his pitching hand. San Diego has a huge investment in the former Wolfpacker and he is still a teenager, a longtime investment for the Padres. He is currently on the Fort Wayne, In. Tincaps roster.

If recent reports are correct, this could be a very good year for blueberry and strawberry growers and for fans of each.

Don’t know about you, but I am ‘feed up’ with a Democratic or Replication solution to any problem. How about a Legislative or Congressional solution. We are so divided as a state and nation.  Both parties appear to think only of themselves and the next election. Easy to understand why locals, from time to time, promote ‘no vote’ for any incumbent. I am NOT proposing, but do understand the public’s frustration. That’s not the story they tell when seeking votes.  I am slowly  beginning to think term limits at the state and national level may be an improvement over the current system.

Enjoy working with motivated individuals with a purpose and a goal in mind.

Only a life lived for others is worth living.  Albert Einstein

If compassion was the motivating factor behind all of our decisions, would our world not be a completely different place?  Sheryl Crow

What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.  Aristotle

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