Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving2018 summer season is fast, coming to a close.  Labor Day next weekend…

Congratulations to Kyra L. Gensel of Clarkton, a student at Harrell’s Christian Academy, she was recently awarded a $1,000 Cathey Scholarship.  She was one of 15 statewide winners.  The  Masonic award is named in honor of past Grand Master Charles Cathey, who initiated a drive to help deserving students to pay their college expenses.

In a recent early morning walk, geese, flying in formation passed by, about 30 strong, then split, rejoined and appeared to be settling down, they regrouped, changed course, made a circle and eventually headed back in the direction they originally came from.  Kinda like some of our leaders, wonder who and how many can join the flight, who is in charge and who determines where we will be at the end of the flight, maybe right back where we started.  Just a thought…

Wrote recently about the number of businesses in Bladenboro that are no longer in business, could have been any small town.  Received a note from a friend helping refresh my memory.  Best I can determine, maybe 2 businesses still in business, Robert Hickman Ins and Walane Gas.  He mentioned numerous other businesses that were operating in 1956, but no longer, that I failed to mention….Change is inevitable.  Thanks Everett Butler….

There is nothing permanent except change.  Heraclitus

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.  William Shakespeare

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.  Ken Blanchard

Author: bladenonline

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