Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI make every effort to be a positive individual, but past few hours have been a test.

Received info related to three different deaths in a short time frame, like less than 24 hours.  A former neighbor and co-worker; the father of a neighbor; and a 55-year-old, who died in an accident mid-afternoon yesterday (Tuesday).

Recovery efforts continue following Hurricane Florence, and another storm is on the way.

Grandson’s wedding Saturday, planned for outside, but inside is a possibility.

While attempting to recover, would be easy to be discouraged.  Gotta hold chin high and move forward.  Many are going through much more difficult times, have lost just about everything.  No doubt, better days are just ahead. Must think positive.

Star Telephone employees have been ‘uprooted’ from their offices in Clinton for the second time in 2 years, while dealing with the storms that have had an adverse affect on their customers.  But, this morning looking for something positive, I stumbled across a video on Star’s Facebook page produced by their ‘crack’ Production Team.  I recommend it to all, a ‘post Florence video’. Good folks, good work.

Change the thought process, the voter registration deadline for 28 counties most affected by Hurricane Florence has been extended from Friday, October 12th, until Monday, October 15th, and Bladen is included.  Contact the local Board of Elections for details.

Every wonder why folks with the smallest kidneys are most likely to be seated in the middle of the longest line, and need to squeeze by and over all to get relief.

God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.

The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

robert g hester



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