Remember the old Hee Haw tune…’If it weren’t for bad news, there would be no news at all?’ Think for just a minute…
Stock market has been a ‘stinker’ for some time, now worse…
Bladen continues to suffer a ‘black-eye’ related to elections, and it did not just begin, but getting worse and one of the prime instigators has worked for many of the most successful local politicians over the past 10 to 12 years. Truth be known, the investigation should broaden…would not be surprised if there were not other individuals or groups…peddlin’ their services…..Maybe it is time for a statewide, bipartisan group to reassess our N.C. election laws.
And, it is not just in Bladen. Our friends in Columbus County may have elected a new sheriff who some say legally resides in Robeson County.
The Carolina Panthers ‘took it on the chin’, again last night, losing 12-9 to the New Orleans Saints in a slugfest….No chance of making the NFL playoffs. So what did David Tepper, the Panthers new owner get for $2.3 billion? A good franchise, but not great team.
Cheer up….Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town, a week from today….
I opened my GreyMail site this AM, seldom do that. It’s junk mail, spoofed mail, spam and phishing, all intercepted by some service I apparently pay for. It’s stored in one place, and every morning I ‘dump it’.
If you never check, it’s unreal. Mail from the US, Russia, France, UK and several other countries and for some odd reason, several from Delaware, 73 total in the past 24 hours. And, the aggravating, unwanted phone calls added to that daily number should push the average to near 90, maybe 100 daily.
Guess you could say I am in a ‘foul’ mood, not really, just attempting to adjust to the way business is done in 2018.
Today will be a good day, despite all the interruptions. I am among men most richly blessed…
It isn’t the mountain ahead to climb that wears you down, it’s the pebble in your shoes. Muhammad Ali
If you truly love life, don’t waste time, because time is what life is made of. Bruce Lee
Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi
robert g hester