Thoughts While Shaving
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My predication…..The elections ‘mess’ in Bladen County is not going away any time soon.  Among the latest bits of info to emerge, is ‘Dowless Declaration’ the man at the center of the voting controversy, relating activities related to the first election of ‘Jim McVicker for Sheriff’ effort.  Who and how money was received and spent and the involvement of others…..from his point of view as activities unfolded at that time.  Others may have a different view…

Bladen County has made the news, nationwide for all the ‘wrong’ reasons….Have used this expression before…The late former President, LBJ, was involved in many controversies during his political career…he described one as a cow doing what cows do, other than give milk….how cow ‘dung’ would lay in the pasture for days with the hot sun baking down and it would form a crust, all is well ’til someone breaks the crust and it begins to ‘stink’.  That appears to be where we are in Bladen….Many news agencies from around the world must be following with great interest….many sending reporters to the area…..

Switching gears….US Senate passed stop-gap legislation last night that appears to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the day Friday, will fund the government until February 8.  The US House of Representatives is expected to approve today and it will go to the President’s office.  Not sure what will happen at that point.  Some members of the President’s staff have indicated he will decide at that time if he will sign or not.  To Be Determined…..

Attended a great Children’s Christmas program last night at Wesley’s Chapel UMC.  Over 30 youngsters participated from very young to early teens, more young angels than old….Could not help but think of the impression that made on me…many years ago…to get before a crowd and say little or nothing but learn, ‘I can do that’….Prepared food for 100, about 200 showed up.  Blessed the food to see if it would multiply, not this time.  A good time was had by all, thanks to the organizers.  Among the highlights for me, seeing and listening as Max Tart played the piano and Mary Francis Sutton sang a Christmas carol…Maybe not ready for Carnegie Hall, but a good beginning.  One of those moments…

A good time was had by all…I highly recommend Children’s Christmas Programs….

As I age, seems more deaths and bad news around this time of year, maybe no more than usual, just seems that way…

Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

What goes “oh oh oh”?  Santa walking backwards.

Christmas is just plain weird.  What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree in your living room eating candy and snacks out of your socks?

robert g hester




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