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A patient has spoken out in support of a Bladen County doctor. Bernadette Y. Shaw issued a written statement to Bladen Online regarding the status of Dr. Susan Aycock.

“I am a patient of Dr. Aycock and I have been every since 1997.  I learned by a phone call that Dr. Aycock was no longer working at the Bladenboro office.  When I inquired as to why she was no longer there,  no one could tell me, only that I my appointment would be rescheduled when another doctor was found. I am very upset by this. 

I am 56 years old and I  trust doctor  Aycock explicitly.  I was always  very impressed with Dr. Aycock’s ability to handle stressful situations and get patients to relax when others could not.   I respect her ability  of consistency in  having an upbeat attitude  no matter what day or time of day I  had an appointment.  She always  made me feel not only as if I  were  her only patient,  but also her friend. I have never, ever seen her behave in a unprofessional manner. Not once.   

In the waiting area in over hearing or just in conversations no unkind words was ever spoken about her in my presence.  That’s unusual  in this day and age  where a lot of doctors has a tendency to treat  you as cattle .  ( Load them up and  and move them out).  I respect  her medical advice and follow to the letter what she advises me to do and I know I am not alone in this statement! 

Dr. Aycock also treated my mother when my mom retired as a surgical technician in Baltimore  Maryland. My mom loved Dr. Aycock until the day she went home to be with the Lord.  I don’t know, as I  stated,  what went on, but I do know this: people can be very unkind by listening and believing lies without research. In today’s society sadly, you are guilty by say so, not by know so.

Lastly, I and a lot like me do not want another doctor. We would like Dr. Aycock reinstated.”


Bernadette Y.  Shaw

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